Overdue and Unreturned Items
Fort Scott Public Library does not charge overdue fines.
Any item not returned within 30 days of the due date is considered Unreturned, and an invoice will be mailed.
If items are not returned by the invoice due date, costs of the Unreturned items and a $5.00 processing fee will be charged to the account. Charges will not be adjusted for items returned after the invoice due date; these items will be held for one week and then will be considered donated to the library.
Overdue notices and invoices are sent as a courtesy. Patrons are responsible for all items on their accounts, regardless of receipt of notices. Notices are emailed to accounts providing the library with an email address when items are 2, 9, and 16 days late. Notices are mailed to all accounts when items are 23 days late.
Accounts with items more than 9 days overdue or with charges in excess of $10.00 will lose borrowing privileges. Additional steps may be taken to recover costs for Unreturned materials, including through the legal system.
This policy applies to all items checked out from Fort Scott Public Library, regardless of when the original transaction took place.
Lost or Damaged Items
Patrons may replace Lost or Damaged items that belong to Fort Scott Public Library with a new copy of the item. Edition number, bonus features, etc. must exactly match the item being replaced. A replacement of the same title, or material on the same subject of equal literary value, may be accepted in lieu of the monetary charge, at the discretion of the Director.
Borrowers assume responsibility for all items checked out on their cards. If items are Lost or Damaged beyond normal wear, the borrower will be charged. For damage which does not cause the library to discard the item, a minimum of $1.00 will be charged. Fees paid are for damage to Library property and do not constitute a purchase of the item.
Replacement cost will be charged for items either lost or damaged to the extent that the Library no longer chooses to keep them in the collection. If the item is no longer in print, the charge will be the greater of either the original cost of the item or:
- $25.00 for hardback adult books
- $20.00 for children’s hardback books
- $15.00 for nonfiction paperbacks
- $10.00 for fiction paperbacks
- $25.00 for DVD/Blu Ray
- $35.00 for audiobooks
The library will not reimburse patrons who find lost items after paying the library the replacement cost.
approved 4/21/2015, rev 8/28/2018, rev. 10/16/2018, rev. 1/15/2019, rev. 4/16/2019